“What is my job about” – Engineering Manager

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got interested in the tech field?
I’m a really outdoorsy person. I’m completely in love with mountains as I grew up close to them.
My father was an engineer, so I guess I always had a role model in the tech field. I’ll never forget the day I saw my first PC, the famous 486. From then on I just couldn’t stop assembling, disassembling, reassembling, creating all sorts of custom builds. With gaming came an interest for “what makes it move on the screen,” then there was no stopping me.
I got introduced to programming in high school and eventually found myself obsessed with it. All I wanted to do was write code and create something from scratch. Then I followed my passion and studied software engineering at university. I haven’t stopped since then!
What is your role at Spark and how have you developed over the years?
I started as a full stack developer and after some time I was given more responsibility to help streamline the process together with my colleagues as an engineering manager.
What daily challenges do you face?
Creating and maintaining a web of connections between all the departments who are affected by our work is my main challenge. Every day I try to bridge the gap between teams so that we have all the information necessary to concentrate on development and keep focused on our goal – helping others to find love.
What inspires you?
Seeing the spark that appears between team members gathering around and analyzing a request for a feature under the microscope. The minute you see the team coming up with all the ways that we can make it tick is one of the most inspiring moments for me. I truly believe that the attitude that makes a difference is “set the goal, sit together, see the magic happen.”
What are your tips for being successful in what you do?
Trust is the foundation of a unit. Establish a high level of trust with your peers and you will find yourself being part of a very well-oiled machine.
Start to listen more and never dismiss an idea. In my opinion the steps to take are as follows: listen carefully, ask questions, gather your thoughts, consider your team’s thoughts, and work with your team. If you work this way, you’ll have the means necessary to achieve your goals.